An update from Kyle Murphy, DFW Sr., Environmental Scientist, on the landlocked Chinook egg take.   Crews took Chinook eggs from "tweeners" (fish that separate Spring from Fall runs) the first week of October at the Feather River Hatchery.  I participated in the first days effort.  Crews took a total of 2.76 million eggs, of which all were tripoded.   An allotment was retained at Feather River Hatchery and the remainder were shipped to Silverado Fisheries Base in Napa.  Eggs are looking good so far.   CDFW used their new triploid machine which provides for twice the capacity of older machines for each triploid batch, thus improving efficiency.  Currently, everything looks good to meet our 900,000 fish allotment target for release next year.  Another inventory at the eyed stage, in a few months, and will see how much mortality occurred.