The Tiburon Salmon Institute and the San Francisco Tyee Club invited all to the S.F. Tyee Salmon pen Dedication Ceremony featuring State Assemblyman, Jared Huffman, and the Director of Fish and Game, Don Koch.

The dedication took place at noon on Saturday the 27, 2009 at the salmon rearing pens located at the Romberg Tiburon Center.

Note from the Tiburon Salmon Institue Executive Director Brooke Halsey:

"I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know what is going on.  Don Koch the director of Fish and Game and Jared Huffman our Assembly Rep. and head of the Fisheries Committee in the State Senate will be here on the 27th.  They are coming to dedicate our Pen Rearing Project.  They were responsible for us receiving our fish this year.  We have 75,000  salmon this year at the pens.  I am asking them both to address our children.  To tell them they are the front guard to our salmon runs and should do all they can to protect them. I would like to get every salmon fisherman in the state there as well, to tell these folks how important an issue this is."
"Your organization helped us out tremendously this year.  It is amazing what money and timing can do.  It was just the right time for us to receive your generous check."