California Inland Fisheries Foundation, Inc., Project Eagle Lake Trout, Annual Family Fun Fall Fundraising Festival, was held at the Arnold’s Eagle Lake RV Park & Store, Spalding Tract, Susanville, on Saturday, August 31, 2013.
The weather was perfect, the barbecued tri-tip or chicken meal was terrific, the crowd came and played and had fun. The horseshoe tournament, casting contests and local guides on hand with their boats to talk fishing, made for an interesting afternoon. The free kids raffle for kids ages 3-12 provided every child with a prize and the outstanding raffle, raising money to enhance the fishing experience and safety at Eagle Lake was enjoyed by all.
This is the second of the two fundraisers CIFFI/PELT holds every year at Eagle Lake. The first one is on the July 4th weekend, the second on Labor Day. Monies raised enable PELT, under the direction of the community “Steering Committee” to support the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife efforts to keep this “Heritage Lake” a viable and productive fishery. CIFFI, a 501 C3 non-profit foundation, provides administrative support.
Eagle Lake trout are spawned in the spring and the fish are planted in many lakes and reservoirs all over the State. PELT supplies dollars for food to keep numbers of them in the hatchery longer, creating bigger and hardier “bonus” fish for Eagle Lake itself, planted in the spring and/or fall, as determined by CDFW. Fortunately, this year the fish were planted in the Spring and because low water conditions currently exist, CDFW will not add any additional fish this fall, lessening the stress on existing populations.
CIFFI/PELT equips volunteers with equipment used in fish-rescue efforts, egg take activities and other fish related needs. It also provides and maintains the safety buoys for both CDFW and the local Sheriff’s Dept. CIFFI/PELT supports many youth programs and both fundraising events help to introduce youngsters to the Eagle Lake experience and the family tradition of attending these events.
CIFFI/PELT thanks all who participated. If you weren’t there, make a note of it on your 2014 calendar. Your attendance will be appreciated and your efforts go to a very worthy cause.